Save yourself the “WTF”… because if you see a headline like this (see below), you just know it must be something to do with bizarre Japan.

 Teacher suspended for selling a lot of cows without telling the school


On March 30, the Nagasaki Prefectural Board of Education announced that they had suspended a 48-year-old male teacher at a prefectural high school for six months.

According to the Board of Education, the man was the head of a group of teachers in charge of looking after the cows at the school, and he was required to report to the school every time a new calf was born. The school’s policy dictated that, due to the cost of keeping them fed, male dairy cows were to be sold soon after their birth. However, over a period of six and a half years, a very small number of male cows had been reported as born.

Instead, the teacher sold the cows directly to traders and stockbreeders without permission and kept the money. Some of the cows that were sold, most of which were male dairy cows, were worth so much that they ended up going to auction, and the teacher pocketed 3.6 million yen.