
Showing posts from February, 2022

Helmut Schmidt - Former Chancellor of Germany - 1974~1982

Who knows and who cares?

The Japanese and reality are rarely in alignment…

Many Japanese have too much time and very little imagination.

Jesus Christ.

Zmiinyi Island: Refusal to surrender

Endlessly abnormal Japan


Japan only “considering” this… in 2022. Pathetic.


Japan: It's like the small dog barking behind the fence, then you open the gate and it runs away…

Gold once again!

The Japanese are absurd.

Didn’t it rain…. (Sister Rosetta Tharpe)

The Japs want to conveniently gloss over the fact that they (again) used Korean slave labour in the mine in question…

What the Hell is wrong with the Japanese…?

CDC's highest travel risk level includes Japan.

Like this version.

June and Teddy enjoy their trip to Japan.

R E P T I L E S & P A R A S I T E S

My Kettlebell Swing Worksheet - 2 day - 1,210 / day / ~ 75 min max

The Emperor and Empress of Japan.

The sad-sack Japanese have to be instructed in pretty well everything on a daily basis…

Japan’s bizarre “Kul·tur”…

D I S · G R A C E · F U L

Even more Japanese bullsh*t…