Shameful Japan. Yet again...
An example of how Japan longs for a return to the twisted glories of yesteryear.
The Japanese Olympic Committee and the Japanese Government would like the citizens of Japan to wave this flag at the 2020 Summer Olympics.
They claim it is nothing more than the official Navy Ensign Flag of the JSDF.
It was also the the official Navy Ensign Flag of the Japanese Imperial Navy.
It was also the unofficial but defacto war flag used by the other Japanese Imperial Armed Forces.
Under this flag, the IJA and IJN in the name of and under the authority of the Emperor of Japan initiated a war of aggression from 1931-1945, killing millions.
The official “Navy Ensign Flags of South Korea, the UK, Australia, the U.S., Brazil, the Russian Federation, France, Spain, Norway, etc... were never used as expressions of national support at Olympic Games in any of these countries.
Think of it this way:
Was the official Navy Ensign Flag of the Kriegsmarine on display as a symbol of national pride at the 1972 Munich Olympic Games?