
Showing posts from 2017

Japan, Inc. = Fraud, sub-standard products, massive corruption, no penalties, rinse, repeat...

Click link "UFO spotted... "and see

"The typical victim narrative spun by Japan involves the transference of aggressive subjectivity - placing the Japanese people on the "high ground" of victim-hood, and assigning the role of victimizer to those who won't accommodate the absurdness & fantasy of Japan's selective memory."

There is virtually no violent crime...

Just as a moth is drawn to a porch light, so too are the Japanese to anything remotely connected to "toilets"

Just a typical Japanese day

Hint ~ You can skim it off the surface of a pond

It's the song that never ends...

Welcome to Japan

3rd World Japan - the book that writes itself


Japanese "Cancer Screening Awareness" poster

An example of Japan's grubby-minded nonsense

Who knows....

Hankyu Line Semi-Express at Umeda Station



It just never stops...

Layer by layer by layer

Crying for sympathy, crocodiles cry for the love of the crowd and three cheers from everyone


Yoiyama ~ Gion Matsuri Festival in Kyoto

Let's just say the weather is somewhat hot and humid