
Showing posts from July, 2021

What you get when pathological lying is in your cultural DNA...

Japanese July (+June + August + September): Turned off A/C, put on a clean & dry purple shirt, waited exactly 110 seconds, and - voila.

Japan: The land of idiocy, complacency, and denial.

In a rare moment of clarity, Donald Trump finally recognizes the asshole in the mirror looking back at him...

This is Japan.


Was true during the war and remains true to this day: You can’t trust the Japanese.


The Japanese live in a state of a significantly distorted reality...

The Japanese don’t understand anything unless it is in cartoon form...

A disgustingly inept and corrupt country...

These dreadful incidents are ‘a dime a dozen’ in Japan...

H is for hypocrisy... Another reason to stay away from this grubby little country...

From “The Best of Juso Desu”...