
Showing posts from May, 2019

The Muppet Show...


The Japs struggle with organizing simple things...

"Sit, Ubu, sit. Good dog!"

Alternate Reality

The start of 90 days of continuous 33C+ and high soul sucking humidity... #!*#!!

A drunken Nipponese puppet show...

Maybe, but not today...

Japan - Slowly staggering into the mid-20th century...

Some 'Free-Range' Japanese

Something to whack your head on whilst staggering around a Japanese shrine...

Granny discovers ‘Jameson Irish Whiskey’...

The Japanese struggle with the concept of ‘Word Association’...


Some Japanese who aren’t sure of where they are or how they got there...

Some Japanese staggering around aimlessly...

Mr. Sandman, bring me a dream...

Take the candelabra over to mother, George...

Only things missing are the tin-foil hats...

So desu ne...

Japan: Where train delays are more important than the pedophile’s behaviour. What a country...

THIS is Japan

Sleep tight...

We can watch the Tsunami thunder up the river just before we're swept out to sea...